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Encountered an error retrying in 3s krnl

I keep on getting this messages when injecting Krnl that says
Encountered an error, Retrying in 3s . . . 
It keeps going until it just closes my Roblox so if anyone knows whats going on I would love to know whats happening.

The best thing I can tell you is to do a clean download of all krnl files from the official site. Make sure you’ve deleted any other versions of krnl, as well as deleting krnl files in the roaming appdata (C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Krnl) which you can access by following this, as well as the local appdata for krnlss in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\krnlss.

Don’t use third-party antivirus

Most users experience enabling third-party antivirus like; McAfee, Norton, Eset, Kaspersky, etc. don’t give you expected results. If you’ve any of these antiviruses, then uninstall or disable that

To check that you have the VC Redists

Go to the “Add or remove programs” section in the Windows 10 settings.

Then search for Visual C++ Redistributable.

If two programs named along the lines of Visual 2015-2019 x64 and x86 show up that means you have it.

To check that the .NET package is installed

  1. Run the main krnl executable file

  2. If you are missing the .NET framework Windows will automatically ask you if you want to install it or not.

  3. Click yes if prompted.

Many use krnl, but once it is clicked inject, a message appears that says, “Open krnl then complete the key system.” To access the link, click ‘download’; if you need assistance, scroll down the page. Krnl is a powerful script executor with a lot of capabilities. This will update the kernel and display the current version.

  • First, go to the folder where you have KRNL installed on your PC.
  • Delete everything except Krnl_Console_Bootstrapper you see in the KRNL folder.
  • Before you use ‘Krnl_Console_Bootstrapper’, press the Windows button and type Windows Security.
  • Go to Virus and Threat Protection.
  • Click on ‘Manage Settings’ and scroll down until you see the ‘Exclusion’ section.
  • Click on the ‘Add or Remove Exclusions‘ to open up a new window.
  • You will have to exclude the KNRL folder if you have not already.
  • Once the KRNL folder is excluded, head back to the KRNL folder and click on the ‘Krnl_Console_Bootstrapper’.

Step 1: First download the zip file from this link and unzip it.

Step 2: You will find 2 files copyright.txt and RobloxPlayerBeta.exe.

Step 3: You have to replace this RobloxPlayerBeta.exe file to old Roblox .exe file.

Step 4: Open Window search bar and search %localappdata% in search bar.

Step 5: Now, find Roblox Folder and open it. After that Open Versions folder. Now open version-fb-xxxxx folder.

Step 6: Here, you will find RobloxPlayerBeta.exe and delete it. And moved here that new RobloxPlayerBeta.exe file.


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