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A general error has occurred

When you run a report, you get the following error:
[nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 14020] None of the fact tables are compatible with the query request # of Activities:[DAggr(Activity Facts.# of Activities by [ Activity Type.Activity Subject, Abraxis Territory Alignment.District Name, Abraxis Territory Alignment.Territory Name, Service Request -Abraxis.Case Notes, Service Request -Abraxis.Case Number, Service Request -Abraxis.ROW_WID] )]. (HY000)

trying to purchase the “All-Class Item Pack” for “Dragon Age II” from the Origin desktop client AND on the Biowre Social Network and when I click the “Buy Now” button (and then the “PC” button on BSN) I get the following error message: “General Error ! An error has occurred while trying to process your request. Please, try again later.”

If you are still having trouble logging into the game, the following things should fix the issue:

1: Make sure you are using the currently available version of your web browser, as an older version may no longer be supported for the game.

2: Make sure you are using the most recent version of Adobe Flash.

3: Before logging into the game clear your cookie and cache files from the web browser you are using.
4: Clear your Flash cache files.

5: Try using another one of the supported web browsers for the game: Fire Fox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome.

  • Scenario #1 – The Controller SQL login cannot read the required information from the Controller database table(s)
  • Scenario #2 – The client PC is configured to *not* use ‘SelectDb’, but there is no database connection named ‘Default’
  • Scenario #3 – The client PC cannot resolve the WSSUrl value inside ‘Client Distribution Server’ configuration
  • Scenario #4 – The application server has not been configured correctly
  • Scenario #5 – Cognos 8 security is enabled, but not configured correctly
  • Scenario #6 – Gateway server has not been correctly configured
  • Scenario #7 – Database server offline, or other connection problem with database server

I’m having the same issue. The Braintree support didn’t help in this situation as they don’t have any log on the server side. It seems this error happens within the js code. Would love to know how other people fixed this. Or, at least, how to debug this.

I proceed to download and install it. After the AMD Software uninstalled the older version, and rebooted, then while installing the new version, it stopped because of ERROR 1603.

Getting following error from PSM server while opening the webpage. Google chrome is hardened, PSM is hardened, Chrome settings, dev tools etc are managed by admin, can’t open it.

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